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total immersion (drawing digital 3d images in realtime - super spiffy) - video
BizTalk 2D Viewer
Someone has to try it out, but not me . Why? Because I’m a bit bussy with some other stuff. B.t.w. - give me feedback if any.
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Some additional BizTalk stuff to read
Good stuff to read,
BizTalk Server 2004 Convoy Deep Dive, and BizTalk Server 2004 Performance Characteristics, and BizTalk Server 2004 Deployment Guide for Security.
All these are kind of Developing Integration Solutions with BizTalk Server 2004, which is a must to read.
MSF Agile (beta)
If You have seen the Team System (TS) before, probably You have noted the MSF Agile process guidance, but if not - it is worth looking at it. You can download it here.
Personally, I found it pretty nice presented collection of artefacts and process descriptions for agile projects.
XSD Object Code Generator
I like the idea of SOA - messages, messages, messages, schemas, messages. In case if You have schema and must build an entity class from that - You can use this tool.
Virtual PC: Differencing disks and compression
It is a year since I am using Virtual PC, but I think I should finally start reading the Help, because I missed so many nice features like: differencing disks, virtual hard disk compression.
With differential hard disks You can create a base image, like Windows 2003 OS and create additional images that will contain only the changes. It seems that it is possible to chain the diff disks or in other words it is possible to create base OS image, then install SQL Server on a diff machine, then on top of that - Visual Studio if You like.
Update: Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2
Just a note: to use VS.Net 2005 Beta 2 together with SQL Server 2005 - You will have to use April CTP release of the SQL 2005.
BizTalk Server 2004 Health Monitor Windows Service
Health and activity tracking is good tool, because You can see how the messages and orchestrations are doing their work. It is extremelly good, but maybe it is not that comfortable for the daily operations.
Yeat another tool is available: BizTalk Server 2004 Health Monitor Windows Service
Does only basic task - checks for messages older than specified SLA level. This tool may be not suitable in all cases, because You may have different types of processes with very long transactions and the short ones.
MSDN: Developing Integration Solutions with BizTalk Server 2004
This is a must read for the biztalk solution designers, developers.
Why? Because it discusses main phases of the biztalk solution development and points out the basic things and practices that should be kept in mind with simple samples.
Developing Integration Solutions with BizTalk Server 2004
Dispose, Finalize - what are they all about?
.Net framework does a lot for memory management, but it is still possible to write bad code that will use costly resources for a long time. I found this post amazingly good describing what is happening.