I’ve arrived to Amsterdam Friday late evening and during saturday and sunday I’ve spent the time visiting cool places like van Gogh and madam Tuseud museums. I will add photos from there later, I promise.
Teched starts today (no, according the SOA rules I should say 4th July 2005 to keep the message identifiable).
So far, I’ve already registered and as usually in every conference I received bag fully loaded with conference stuff.
Guidance Automation Toolkit
Guidance Automation Toolkit, a quite promising VS.Net extensibility tool is “released”.
I like the idea behind the tool and I liked the webcast very much.
I expect that the good tools like Visual Studio 2005 with designed and enforced patterns practices will enable to deliver a better code.
I like the word “enforced”, because it enables applying some parts of programming model and this way enforce quality of the solution.
If You are in love with C++
If You need some reasons to work with C++, find them here .
On Use Cases and their uses
When things grow up, then nothing changes, just things are getting bigger.
On Use Cases and their uses from Cirrus Minor
Stop Promoting Sr. Developers to Management
It is always like that: “People tend to be promoted to their level of their incompetence”.
Steve Eichert’s Blog - Stop Promoting Sr. Developers to Management
Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List
Just amazing collection of the tools in one page.
Scott Hanselman’s 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool list
Tabbed browsing in IE
Want tabbed browsing in IE, then check the updated MSN toolbar here.
Personally, I don’t know which way I like more - multi-window or multi-tab way of browsing. But if You have an reason with explanation why tabbed is better (not because You like it), feel free to add comments.
Talking about Executive E-Mail: Bill Gates on the New World of Work
I was reading this executive e-mail and I must say I liked it.
Some time ago we were (or should I say “we are”) building systems that were more kind of “store information and use it”. But the business is different - people are not talking about putting and retrieving the information, they want to be part of their business, solve the business problems by performing some business tasks.
In such cases I am thinking about simple example of the customer service specialist (CSS), who receives an e-mail from customer about wrong invoice for example.
Beat Schwegler's: Web Services Competency Workshop in a Box
Good slides, good demos … just download and browse through.
Beat Schwegler’s 2 Cents : Web Services Competency Workshop in a Box
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
Just in case You are developing using Visual Studio .Net and connecting to the Oracle database then You should check this out: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET