BizTalk 2004 together with Visual Studio 2005

“.Net assemblies can be deployed and run side by side” - remember this sentence? Well, in general it is true, but there are some caveats you have to remember. First one, web applications are usually bound to some version of .Net runtime. So, if you install .Net framework 2.0 and in the same time BizTalk 2004 wizard relies on .Net framework 1.1 - there will be a confuse definitelly, when publishing orchestrations as web services.

Certified Code Churning Professional

I liked the new sort of a “Certified Code Churning Professional” “certification” mentioned in Neno’s blog. There are two fun things. First - the image itself (you can find it in the Neno’s blog). Second thing is a short form of the certification: “Certified Code Churning Professional” becomes “CCCP”. Those who know/read russian language will get the point .

When there is a lot of service instances ...

If you look at BTS performance blog (can be found here) then you know that you have to monitor the size of the spool table. And this is true. Some long time ago (sorry, didn’t had time to blog about it that time) we have faced situation, when problems were caused not by multiple messages in the spool table, but rather a lot of service instances associated with BizTalk Isolated host.

My thoughts on "Zero touch" or "HREF to EXE" deployment

I haven’t been blogging for a while, but some posts reminded to me that I have my own blog. Lately, I’ve seen the blog post “Zero Touch” or “HREF to EXE” apps broken by FX 2.0" and there a link to the coresponding product feedback here. When reading, my first thought was: “it really sucks badly”. I think mostly my first impressions were caused by the fact that I was showing the ability to launch exe’s from a web page, which is totally nice.

The VS.Net 2005, SQL 2005 and BizTalk 2006 launch ... Rocked

On 10th of November we had a new product line launch. There was a bunch of presenters (including me of course) and a lot of slides and demos about the Visual Studio .Net 2005 (including the Team system), SQL Server 2005 and a bit about the BizTalk Server 2006. My presentation for the professional was the last one, but covering all the product line. There were some questions during the presentation.

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It looks like South America, Asia and Pacific are waiting to be visited . create your own visited country map