On 10th of November we had a new product line launch. There was a bunch of presenters (including me of course) and a lot of slides and demos about the Visual Studio .Net 2005 (including the Team system), SQL Server 2005 and a bit about the BizTalk Server 2006.

My presentation for the professional was the last one, but covering all the product line.

There were some questions during the presentation. I will try to post them here by adding the Q/A pairs to this message.

Q: Why MS is using something other than UML for the Logical Data Center, Application and Deployment diagrams

A: I think the best answer to find is on the Keith Short blog here. Speaking shortly, one (UML) is the document, while another (DSL) is the tool.

Q: Can be SQL XML data types compared

A: Nope, this is a limitation

I hope to publish more Q/A’s later, when I will remember the questions . Or, You can remind me here.