Ok, some time ago I have posted the item from Microsoft Word 2007 (beta of course), but this post is written using a free tool, called “Windows Live Writer”. Important thing - it is free and you can get it from here. It looks pretty cool and I hope that it will work … well, it’s still beta.

Another thing I’ve seen lately in the blog posts - the InstallPad, software that helps to install things. Normally, downloading things takes a while and this piece of software looks quite promising (I haven’t tried it yet, but soon I will).

One more thing - Patterns & Practices Guidance Explorer. I looked at the first releases and though there were a lot of empty places, but still the idea is catching. To get all those Do’s and Don’t do’s into a single place. You can check it out now.

And finally sentence about the freedom: “Freedom is not the right to do what you want, but the liberty to do what is right.”