My 10 year old daughter made some muffins completely on her own. Not a big deal for a grown up, but an achievement for a child. The kind of achievement little ones can be proud of.

Somehow, before eating them, she decided that she wants them to be photographed. And started acting like a designer and art director. The one thing I could do at that point is to perform. Take the camera to the kitchen and make it happen.

The layout was designed by my daughter. The coffee cup with milk, spoon and finally – the muffins.

The rest was up to me. Because it was late evening, photographing muffins involved off-camera speedlight (Phottix Mitros+) controlled by Phottix Odin TCU Transmitter. My little one became voice activated light stand (holding the speedlight) for the moment I tried to take few frames. So, she continued to be involved into capturing the memories of her achievement.

It took maybe a few minutes, but everybody was happy:

  • we have captured memories of a sweet achievement,
  • did something together,
  • and I personally practiced food photography

Next thing – to print an image.