It happens that I have attended Agile Tour Vilnius 2011 conference.

A lot of great speakers delivered interesting presentations on various Agile aspects from technical to management, for beginners and for those with some experience.

Keynotes were presented by J.B. Rainsberger, Mary Poppendieck and Jurgen Appelo.

Ok, here are few things that I’ve noted during the conference (typically, I try to take top 3 things for myself) so, here it comes:

  • Scrum Master is not your scrum secretary (by Paul Goddard). Scrum master is not your agile PM, it is the one who should help the team to become self-organizing (also means effective).
  • Jurgen has enforced the above by talking about “How to change the world” (no, not usual “change management” stuff of surviving change) by referencing complex adaptive systems theory discussed in his Management 3.0 book.
  • Change cannot be implemented with a flip of the switch. It is more like dancing (guiding) to the desired result by constantly adjusting direction.

I guess that’s it for now. Time to look at our own team and have some dance Smile